With the global economy on the way torecovery from the financial crisis, the Asian economiesappear poised to bounce back strongly.For most people inthe Philippines, however, a return to the status quo antewill offer little consolation. That is because when economicgrowth accelerated during 2002-08, poverty did not declineas hoped.With a third of the population currently belowthe poverty line, and high and rising inequality in incomes,the country's main development challenge is to achievegrowth that is much more widely shared to make growth workfor the poor. Making growth work for the poor in thePhilippines is a significant development challenge, but onethat is worth pursuing vigorously. The new administrationnot only has the mandate but the historic opportunity todeliver on this goal as well as other election platforms onwhich it was voted to power. These include 'theorganized and widely-shared rapid expansion of the economythrough a government dedicated to honing and mobilizing thepeople's skills and energies as well as the responsibleharnessing of natural resources; moving to well-consideredprograms that build capacity and create opportunity amongthe poor and the marginalized in the country; policies thatcreate conditions conducive to the growth andcompetitiveness of private businesses, big, medium andsmall; and making education the central strategy forinvesting in people, reducing poverty and building nationalcompetitiveness.'In addition, the new administrationis committed to fight corruption. These goals are fullyechoed in the strategy and policy actions identified aboveand elaborated in the accompanying discussion notes.