This report is part of a broader globalstudy, the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC),which has two principal objectives: (a) to develop a globalestimate of adaptation costs for informing internationalclimate negotiations; and (b) to help decision makers indeveloping countries assess the risks posed by climatechange and design national strategies for adapting to it.The purpose of this study is to assist the Government ofMozambique in its efforts to understand the potentialeconomic impacts of climate change and to support itsefforts to develop sound policies and investments inresponse to these potential impacts. The MozambiqueEconomics of Adaptation to Climate Change (EACC) studyselected four sectors that are believed to be vulnerable toclimate change: (1) agriculture, which employs over 70percent of the population; (2) energy, particularlyhydropower generation, which is dependent on water runoff;(3) transport infrastructure, notably roads; and (4) coastalareas, which do not conform to a "sector" butcharacterize specific geographical areas vulnerable tofloods and storm surges directly and indirectly related tosea level rise. The report ends with a discussion of sevenlessons learned from the study. Volume 1contains the finalreport, and Volume 2 contains the Annexes,