This report was prepared at the requestof the Government of Niger to: (i) provide a comprehensiveassessment of the Nigerien pension system, (ii) analyzecurrent reform initiatives and recommend possiblerefinements and alternatives, and (iii) examineimplementation challenges. To this end, the report developsa set of general guidelines to assess reform options interms the adequacy of benefits, security, financialsustainability, redistribution, incentives, andadministrative efficiency. The core of the report isorganized in three chapters. After providing a summary ofthe background (chapter one), chapter two develops thepolicy framework and updates the assessment of the mandatorypension systems. The assessment looks at the financialsituation of the schemes but also discusses other problemsthat had been previously overlooked in terms of the adequacyof benefits; the type of redistribution; as well as issuesrelated to incentives. Chapter three reviews Governmentongoing reform initiatives, summarizes the internationalexperiences that are relevant to Niger, and, presentsrecommendations to strengthen current policies by outliningthe components of a multi-year reform program, anddeveloping a road map towards implementation.