This assessment shows that Mozambiquesocial protection system is developing. While programs toaddress most of the risks identified exist, there are stillmajor gaps. Poor families with children are not adequatelysupported, there is no significant youth program, andsubsistence farmers and other workers are not properlyprotected against recurrent shocks. The government spends aconsiderable amount of its resources on social protectionbut most are absorbed by untargeted subsidies and pensionsthat benefit only a few. This assessment suggests that itwill be necessary to address three mutually complimentaryissues: developing effective mechanisms to maximize theimpact of social protection on reducing poverty;rationalizing public expenditures while filling existingprogram gaps; and strengthening institutional arrangements.In order to address the multiple challenges Mozambique facesto support particularly vulnerable groups and reduce extremepoverty and food insecurity, the report proposes a gradualapproach framed in the existing social protection strategyapproved by the Government in 2010.