The purpose of the Sao Tome and PrincipeCountry Gender Assessment is to create an analytical tool toanalyze the main gender issues; develop a body of proposalsand recommendations covering a range of interventionsspecifically addressing gender issues and, to establishdialogue and coordination between representatives of thepublic sector and civil society, with a view to developing aNational Gender Strategy and Action Plan. The preparation ofthe Country Gender Assessment (CGA) included two stages. Thefirst comprised a review of all available documentation anddata related to gender issues. The second consisted ofconsultations with government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), members of civil society, and donors. Theseconsultations led to a two-day workshop with participationby representatives of various Ministries, as well as othergovernment agencies, district councils, civil societymembers and NGOs. The purpose of the workshop was to obtaininput from the participants in the form of a body ofproposals for plans and initiatives covering areasconsidered of high priority, with a view to enhancing theeffectiveness of development programs and projects. The CGAis by its nature an ongoing activity rather than a defined product.