This report documents the proceedings ofa scoping study conducted by the Energy Sector ManagementAssistance Program (ESMAP) and the World Bank on the needsand options for a Financing and Policy Network forScaling-Up Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency inDeveloping Countries. At the Bonn International Conferenceon Renewable Energies in June 2004, global leaders fromgovernments, industry, financial institutions,non-governmental organizations, and multilateralorganizations paved the way for a new energy future thatwill transform the energy structures of today and increasethe global use of renewable energy. To build upon thesuccess of the Bonn Conference, the idea of a "globalpolicy network" was proposed - the Renewable EnergyNetwork for the 21st Century (REN21), The network wouldbring together a range of stakeholders to address thescaling-up of renewable energy and energy efficiency byfocusing on such key issues as policies, capacity building,technology transfer, research and development, andfinancing. Within the REN21 framework, the German Governmentrequested that the World Bank Group lead a scoping study fora Financing and Policy Network (FPN) relating to scaling-upof renewable energy and energy efficiency in developingcountries. The scoping study was intended to determine if arationale exists for a new FPN to support scaling-upefforts. The scoping study's objectives were twofold:(1) to identify the prospective need for and value-added ofa renewable energy and energy efficiency financing andpolicy network; and 2) to propose possible networkconfiguration options, as appropriate.