This report explores the role of tradefacilitation and logistics in driving export and ultimatelynational competitiveness. It posits that this area of tradeconsists of three interrelated pillars: (i) transportinfrastructure and logistics services; (ii) regulatoryprocedures for exports and imports; and (iii) supply chainorganization. Transport infrastructure and logisticsservices relate to the physical aspects of trade flows.Logistics services include a variety of services, the mostimportant of which are transportation, storage andconsolidation. This summary is organized into nine sections.After the introduction, section two presents the conceptualframework for this study. The economic context under whichtrade facilitation is discussed is outlined in sectionthree. It describes Vietnam's evolving structure oftrade and competitiveness. The country's tradelogistics is part of this structure and this is germane tounderstanding the key issues and solutions proposed. This isfollowed by discussion of the three pillars of tradefacilitation in sections four to six and then section sevenpresents the institutional framework underpinning thesepillars. Section eight then pulls together the diverse rolesof government, such as setting policies, acting asregulator, and being the facilitator working incollaboration with key stakeholders. The conclusion, sectionnine, suggests a set of recommendations.