The importance of education to thesocioeconomic and political development of nations is widelydiscussed in the education policy literature. This studyseeks to identify the good policies and practices that leadstudents in some municipal school systems in Brazil toobtain better results than would be expected based purely onsocioeconomic factors. This report is divided into foursections. The next section, section two, explains in detailthe rationale and motivation for the study. Section threeexplains the conceptual framework for the qualitative fieldresearch. It provides a succinct but detailed explanation ofthe methodology used, elaborating on issues such as thedefinition of study samples and the design of the fieldresearch instruments. Section four presents the main resultsof the analysis and identifies the principal educationpolicy factors that appeared to help some municipal schoolsystems obtain better-than-expected Prova Brasil results.Section five presents 12 municipal 'successstories' in a loose narrative format. These narrativesserve as examples of how different combinations of goodpractices can translate into results in a variety of actualsituations. Lastly, we offer some final considerations in closing.