Vital records, the registration ofbirths, deaths, marriages and divorces, and the vitalstatistics derived from these records serve two importantpurposes. Firstly, vital records are legal documents, butthe focus of this review, is the role of vital records tocreate demographic and epidemiological statistics that areused in monitoring trends and developing health policies andprograms. Vital statistics are classic public goods, and theWorld Bank is keenly interested in assisting countries inthe Latin America region to strengthen their vitalstatistics systems. This assessment reviews the status andevolution of vital statistics systems in Latin America andmakes recommendations for improving their coverage, quality,and timeliness. The strongest systems in the region on themeasures of coverage, quality and timeliness are found inArgentina, Chile, Costa Rica, and Uruguay. This review foundthat countries in Latin America are well ahead of many otherregions in the world in developing their vital registrationsystems. Yet challenges remain before these systems cansupport results-oriented health programs. Concerted effortsto improve these systems are likely to generate largepayoffs in terms of supporting better public policies. Vitalstatistics should very soon replace surveys in Latin Americaas the most important primary source of information aboutbirths and deaths given their potential to more effectivelyguide policymaking and monitor results related to thematernal and infant health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).