Chapter one summarizes the scope of thestudy and outlines its key objectives. It explains therationale for collecting data on SMEs in Mongolia in generaland women-owned SMEs in particular. It also providesrecommendations for integrating the insights form the studyinto the on-the-ground practice of SME banking, as well aspotential interventions on the regulatory and policy level.Chapter two begins with the analysis of the generalmacroeconomic context and provides an overview of the SMEsector in Mongolia. The chapter analyzes the latest trendsin development of the business environment and the legalframework relevant for SMEs and women-owned SMEs. Chapterthree examines the aspect of supply in financial andnon-financial products and services currently offered toSMEs by commercial banks and non-bank financialinstitutions. It also reviews the support provided to SMEsby international financial institutions. Chapter fourprovides detailed overview of the findings of the demandstudy, explores the features of SMEs, their relationshipswith banks and NBFIs as well as aspects of current use ofbank loans. The chapter further analyzes the usage anddemand for other banking products and services by SMEs.Chapter five summarizes the key constraints faced by theSMEs and female-owned SMEs revealed in the interviews withstakeholders and the face to-face interviews with businessowners. Finally, chapter six uses the findings to drawconclusions and recommendations on possible measures toaddress the challenges of SMEs and women-owned SMEsspecifically at different stakeholder levels: governmentaland regulatory authorities, international financeinstitutions, financial institutions and SME development organizations.