Despite having one of the world'shighest rates of population growth, Uganda has an impressiverecord of economic growth and poverty reduction. Over aperiod of approximately 20 years, from the 1990s untilaround 2010, the average annual rate of economic growthstood at around 7 percent. During this same period, theproportion of the population living below the poverty linedeclined from 56 percent in 1992 to 24 percent in FY10.Uganda needs to sustain its efforts to deepen regionalintegration as a means of facilitating greater tradeopportunities, but primary agenda remains it its own hands.The first point of action is to address constraints toproductivity growth in sectors that have the highestpotential for regional expansion, including the agriculture,manufacturing and services sectors. Uganda must advocate bysetting an example by removing its own non-tariff barriers(NTB) as a means of encouraging neighboring countries.However, it also needs to use its position to persuade thecoastal countries to do their part, since they will alsobenefit from such programs. In addition, Uganda must seizeevery opportunity to promote peace and tranquility in theGreat Lakes regions.