This Country Financial AccountabilityAssessment (CFAA), the first for Tajikistan, is a keydiagnostic study aimed at identifying the overall financialmanagement risks. It's timing coincides with a meetingof the Tajik Consultative Group in April 2003, which pledgedUS$900 million of support over the next three years.Addressing the numerous, systemic financial managementweaknesses in Tajikistan will have an important impact onthe governance arrangements which, in turn, will affectdonor disbursements against these commitments. In thisrespect, the CFAA also aims to provide a roadmap for futureadvice and technical assistance in public sectoraccountability. It assesses structural reforms in publicsector budget management, accounting and financialreporting, the treasury system, internal controls andinternal and external audits. I t also examines themechanisms of public accountability at the sub-national andcommunity levels.