This is a post conference summary of thePartnership for Development Knowledge Conference held inYemen from March 4-6, 2014. The report summarizes thediscussions that took place during various conferencesessions and also some of the outcomes and agreementsreached. Following a rich and open dialogue, importantoutcomes of the conference included a set of recommendationsjointly formulated by the government technical teams andCivil Society Organization(s), or CSO representatives. Theyalso agreed on a series of future actions, including thefollowing: build on working group outcomes and discussionswith the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperationto determine the 3-4 priority sectors in which moresector-specific dialogue needs to take place. Preparationsand groundwork for sector-specific dialogue, building on theconference outcomes, will continue via technical discussionswith relevant Sector Ministries. A possible knowledge visitto India by a small government technical team will beexplored, with a focus on issues of social accountability.Sector dialogue sessions will be implemented after Ramadan2014 and will focus on sectors that were recommended by theworking groups. Dialogue sessions will support thedevelopment of sector-specific action plans that identifyconcrete opportunities for partnership between specificministries and CSOs operating within the sector. Inconclusion, the conference provided an ideal background toprepare for the sector-level dialogue sessions. Thesesessions will be facilitated under the next phase of theWorld Bank funded Government-CSOs Partnership Project.