The Department of Drinking Water Supply(DDWS), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Indialaunched the National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP)on 1st April, 2009. The NRDWP builds on experiences gainedthrough past efforts by many stakeholders and brings allexisting rural drinking water initiatives under a singleprogram. The focus of the NRDWP is to ensure drinking watersecurity for all rural citizens in India. Drinking watersecurity means providing every rural person with enough safewater for drinking, cooking and other domestic needs at alltimes and in all situations, including periods of droughtand flood and for livestock. The Gram Panchayats (GP), asleaders and representatives of the community, has to takethe lead in achieving this goal of drinking water security.The Gram Panchayats, through Village Water and SanitationCommittees (VWSCs), have to mobilize communities, educatethem and ensure they get the necessary training andtechnical support to achieve drinking water security. Thegram Sabha is the main platform for taking decisions andapproving plans. The handbook seeks to serve as a quickreference for GP and VWSC on how to plan, implement,operate, maintain and manage water supplies and to ensuretheir sustainability. The handbook is based on the NRDWPguidelines. The focus of this handbook is to ensure'drinking water security' in rural India.