The report is organized along thedifferent dimensions of youth inclusion. Chapter twoinvestigates voice and participation of young Tunisians, andidentifies both constraints and opportunities for theirengagement in civic and political life. Chapter threehighlights available economic opportunities for youngTunisians and presents the state of employment andentrepreneurship, including informal work, as well as genderand regional disparities, and relevant socioeconomic andeducational data. Chapter four discusses economic exclusionthrough unemployment and inactivity, and highlights theseverity of the situation faced by young Tunisians that arenot in education, employment or training (NEET). Chapterfive discusses programs and services relevant to employment,for example, the Active Labor Market Programs (ALMPs) and,including the programs' quality and impact. Chapter sixpresents conclusions and recommendations, recognizing theneed to address the interrelatedness of the differentdimensions by combining a strong focus on inclusive youthpolicy and institutions with a call for youth participationin decision-making.