The ESMAP Bolivia country program phaseII (ESMAP II) consisted of two main components : ruralenergy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE). The activities underthese components were designated to help the governmentconsolidate the achievements of phase I and make furtherprogress in : a) strengthen the government's capacityto ensure sustainable development of RE and EE; b) createincentives for energy efficiency and the use of renewableenergy sources; c) ensure the effectiveness of technicalassistance and financing mechanisms designed to develop REand EE; and d) develop projects to demonstrate theadvancement of RE and the application of EE measures. Thisreport on operational activities includes an executivesummary and sections on background, program objectives,components, cost, and implementation; the RE and the EEcomponents. The annexes provide more detailed information onthe impact of sustainability of the components, the RuralElectrification Fund and program costs.