Emerging energy transitions, recentlytriggered by the global financial crisis, highly volatileenergy prices, and climate change, have created a turbulentenvironment for the energy sector, testing governments andnongovernment actors around the world. Energy industries indeveloping countries are particularly exposed to these newsources of vulnerability. Governments are constrained incushioning the adverse impacts due to limited institutionalcapacities and fiscal resources. The Country Energy SectorVulnerability Assessments Program (CESVAP) is comprised ofthree components: power sector vulnerability assessments,help countries assess the impact of the global financialcrisis on priority investments in the power sector. Oilprice volatility assessments, help countries assess theeffects of oil price increases and heightened pricevolatility, including their ability to absorb price shocks.Climate vulnerability assessments, help countries assesstheir energy sector vulnerability in the face of climatechange, including changing average temperatures andprecipitation, increasing variability, and extremes. ESMAP senergy assessments focus on the key components of successfulenergy policy and practices. ESMAP s goal is to helpcountries build institutional capacity and know how todevelop and implement policy reform measures and robuststrategies to meet short-, medium-, and long-term challengesto their national energy systems. ESMAP will use theinsights gathered from the vulnerability assessments to helpmobilize support for client countries in increasing theirresistance to external crises.