The Road from Emergency Employment towards Integrated Rural Access : Re-orientation of the Afghanistan National Emergency Employment Program to the Rural Access Program
This paper provides an institutionalrecord of the implementation experiences of all the fourWorld Bank-assisted National Emergency Employment Program(NEEP)/National Rural Access Program (NRAP) projects andevaluates the impact on community members of the improvedrural access that the projects have provided. It is based ondesk reviews of project documentation, supervision missionnotes, field visits to communities in rural areas, anddetailed discussions with project team members and staffinvolved in implementation based in Afghanistan. Chapter twodescribes the program's evolving objectives, structure,and implementation arrangements. Chapter three evaluatesNEEP's record in providing a social safety net, andchapter four describes the arrangements for communityparticipation in program decision making and the perceptionsof community members about the program's benefits.Chapter five describes the Reintegration and AlternativeLivelihoods Program (NEEP-RAL), which has a similar theme tothose of the other NEEP projects, but different dynamics andimplementation arrangements from them. Chapter six reviewskey findings and lessons learned, and finally, chapter seven concludes.