The Nile riparian countries establishedthe Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) in February 1999. The NBI isa transitional mechanism that provides an agreed frameworkto fight poverty and promote economic development.Thisstudy, reviews the opportunities for power trade in the NileBasin countries (based on experience from other regions ofthe world), identifies the potential benefits of power tradeat different stages of market development and barriers toregional power trade. The study is structured in fourchapters: (i) an overview of the power sectors of the 10Nile Basin countries and different types of power trade;(ii) potential for power trade based on the characteristicsof the Nile Basin in terms of resource endowments, energybalances, existing generation and transmission facilities,and present and future demand and supply; (iii) scope forpower trade in the Nile Basin; and (iv) framework fordeveloping power trade.