Urban agriculture contributes to localeconomic development, poverty alleviation, the socialinclusion of the urban poor and women, as well as to thegreening of the city and the productive reuse of urbanwastes. Urban agriculture encompasses a wide variety ofproduction systems in both urban as well as peri-urbanareas. This study examines the contribution of urbanagriculture to livelihoods, food security, health, and theurban environment through an assessment of existing urbanagriculture activities among poor households in fourselected cities. Another important benefit from urbanagricultural production is in the cash savings fromself-produced food that would otherwise have to bepurchased. The role and importance of urban agriculture willlikely increase with urbanization and climate change, so theintegration of urban agriculture into development strategiesand policy decisions would be important for long-termsustainability. This report is structured according to thebasic framework mentioned above. Chapter two then summarizesthe key findings from the four city case studies, analyzingthe profiles of urban agriculture in each city, includingthe agricultural practices pursued, access to and use ofurban land, as well as examining the available data forevidence of the importance of urban agriculture forlivelihoods and food security. Chapter two also discussesthe main findings from the case studies on the constraintsfacing urban agriculture. Chapter three then providesvarious recommendations for strengthening urban agricultureand addressing these constraints, recognizing that theseneed to be considered in light of the broader urbandevelopment agenda and the many competing priorities thatcities face. The annexes to this report describe themethodology used for the city case studies, and providedetailed information on each city, including a general cityprofile, the urban agricultural practices in each city, theinputs used and outputs produced, and the income,expenditure, dwelling and food consumption profiles of residents.