The objective of this report is tocontribute to the continuing policy dialogue on financialsector development. It is intended that the analysis andrecommendations from this report will contribute towards thepreparation and implementation of the National DevelopmentPlan (NDP) and the implementation of the Financial MarketsDevelopment Plan. The report suggests both policy andinstitutional reforms to develop rural and agriculturalfinance. This report has two parts: improving access tofinancial services and improving the supply of term finance.The first part focuses on three areas: expanding accessthough the banking system; developing rural and agriculturalfinance; and improving payments and remittance systems. Thesecond part focuses on three key areas: reforming thepension system; developing the housing finance market; andincreasing the private financing of infrastructure.Eachchapter has the following structure: the first sectionprovides an overview of the chapter topic; the secondpresents an analysis of the results of the survey (whereapplicable) and interviews, and categorizes constraints; thethird section provides recommendations to address the constraints.