This report assesses global experienceswith Energy Efficient Purchasing (EEP) as a tool to helpgovernments improve the efficiency of their facilities andpublic services. In many developed countries, EEP isincreasingly becoming subsumed within broader Green PublicProcurement (GPP) or sustainable procurement policies, whereEE is only one indicator among many others. Global energyneeds are increasing at a steady pace. Rapid industrialdevelopment and growing populations have led to anexponential growth in worldwide energy consumption.According to the international energy agency, demand forenergy is projected to grow steadily from 2010 to 2035,representing a 40 percent increase. About 90 percent of thisincrease will come from developing countries. As thesecountries continue to urbanize, develop their industrialinfrastructure, and provide universal access to basicservices, strains on the existing energy infrastructure andresources will intensify. This, coupled with a substantialrise in the middle class in many of the emerging economies,most notably China and India, will also contribute to thisincrease in demand. This contributes to the expected rise innon-OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation andDevelopment) countries' share of global energy demand,from 54 percent in 2009 to 64 percent by 2035. Thisprojected increase in energy demand will necessitate newsolutions to help bridge the gap between supply and demand,while reducing the trillions of dollars required for newenergy infrastructure investments. The study concluded thatEEP policies and programs can be an effective way to promoteenergy efficient products by leveraging a government'spurchasing power and influence. Countries with more advancedprograms have a wealth of resources and experiencesavailable for countries just getting started, which candramatically lower the time and resources needed to launchsuch efforts. As countries improve enforcement and trackingefforts, enhanced methods will be developed and tested,providing models for adaptation and application in thedeveloping world.