The theme of the 2011 Philippinesdevelopment report is 'generating inclusive growth,uplifting the poor and vulnerable'. This theme isfollows from the priorities set in President Aquino'sSocial Contract and the emerging 2011-2016 PhilippinesDevelopment Plan (PDP). The PDP details the vision ofinclusive growth and poverty reduction that underlies thesocial contract (chapter one). Accordingly, the PDP focuseson three strategic objectives: (1) attaining a sustained andhigh rate of economic growth that provides productiveemployment opportunities, (2) equalizing access todevelopment opportunities for all Filipinos, and (3)implementing effective social safety nets to protect andenable those who do not have the capability to participatein the economic growth process. While the country'sdevelopment agenda remains broadly the same over the lastdecade, the Aquino government is focusing on stepped-upimplementation and delivery. The pressing development issuesconfronting the Philippines in 2011 are not radicallydifferent from those of previous years. The criticaldifference is the new government's focus on effectiveimplementation and delivery of public goods and services,starting with a firm approach to fighting corruption andimproving governance.