This country note briefly summarizesinformation relevant to both climate change and agriculturein Brazil, with focus on policy developments (includingaction plans and programs) and institutional make-up. InBrazil, the 5th largest emitter of greenhouse gases in theworld, agriculture (including land use change and forestry)is the largest contributor to green house gas (GHG)emissions. The emission reduction potential of theagricultural sector (including land use change and forestry)is significant and not yet sufficiently explored. Brazilcurrently counts with 30 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)projects in the agricultural sector (targeting only methaneemission reductions and biomass generation), while there areno registered CDM projects in the country under the'afforestation and reforestation' category.Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability,particularly in the Brazilian semi-arid Northeast wheredroughts have had a significant impact on crop yields andpeople's livelihood. The extension and improvement ofboth irrigation infrastructure and climate-sensitiveinsurance coverage for agricultural production, as well asaddressing the problems of severe land degradation, canreduce some of the observed vulnerabilities in the country.Reducing poverty and inequality in rural areas, andparticularly in those areas already vulnerable to climaterisk, can also contribute to minimizing the negative impactsof future weather variability.