This procurement assessment in Tonga:(a) reviews existing policies, procedures and practicesfollowed for procurement, with focus on Bank-financedprojects and their impact on procurement performance of theBank portfolio, and recommends measures to improve theprocurement performance; and (b) identifies technicalassistance (TA) required to introduce internationalprocurement best practices in the country.Tonga does nothave any legislation or regulations governing publicprocurement, and also does not have any formal procurementpolicies and procedures.Procurement has been decentralizedto various Government ministries and departments, with thevarious institutions following different informal proceduresand practices. The risks are high due to lack of capacity,capability and skills in procurement operations, and thevolume of procurement would not justify creating procurementskills in each ministry and department.The recommendedaction plan concludes that procurement support and legalframeworks are high priority items, while procurementmanuals, standard documents, capacity building, and trainingare medium priority.