There is overwhelming consensus amongstclimate scientists that the Earth's warming in recentdecades has been caused primarily by human activities thathave increased the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in theatmosphere. To mitigate the most serious impacts of climatechange a range of different strategies to lower carbondioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere are required.Building on outcomes and recommendations from variouscoastal carbon activities, this report explains the GHGdynamics of coastal wetlands and marine ecosystems (chaptertwo). The importance of coastal wetland and near-shoremarine ecosystem carbon pools for climate change mitigationare described in chapter three, with a brief overview of thestatus of these systems, including drivers of change andimplications of degradation of carbon pools, provided inChapter four. Chapter five gives an overview of policyopportunities under ongoing United Nation FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations andthrough revision of Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange (IPCC) carbon accounting methodologies and eligiblemitigation activities for developing as well as developedcountries. The main recommendations for action aresummarized in chapter six.