This document delineates a simpleconceptual framework for assessing fiscal space for healthand provides an illustrative roadmap for guiding suchassessments. The roadmap draws on lessons learned fromanalyses of seven fiscal space case studies conducted overthe past two years in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Rwanda,Tonga, Uganda, and Ukraine. The document also includes asummary of the fiscal space assessments from these sevencase studies. Any assessment of fiscal space typicallyentails an examination of whether and how a government couldfeasibly increase its expenditure in the short-to-mediumterm, and do so in a way that is consistent with acountry's macroeconomic fundamentals. Although fiscalspace generally refers to overall government expenditure,for a variety of reasons there has been growing demand for aframework for analyzing fiscal space specifically for thehealth sector. This document outlines ways in whichgeneralized fiscal space assessments could be adapted totake a more health-sector specific perspective: what is theimpact of broader macroeconomic factors on governmentexpenditures for health? Are there sector-specificconsiderations that might expand the set of possible optionsfor generating fiscal space for health? Are therecountry-specific examples of innovative strategies that havebeen successful in increasing fiscal space for health?