Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) isleading Indonesia s effort to scale-up geothermal,attempting a globally unprecedented expansion of over 1,000MW of capacity. The World Bank is helping kick-start PGE sinvestment program through the development of the Ulubelu(Units 3 and 4) and Lahendong (Tompaso) (Units 5 and 6)geothermal fields. Loans totaling US$ 300 million are beingextended from the World Bank s facility for lending tomiddle-income countries through International Bank forReconstruction and Development (IBRD) loans and from theglobal Clean Technology Fund (CTF) established to promoteclimate-friendly investments. To justify public support andevaluate the viability of thisgreen financeinvestment,an integrated approach to decision making was utilized basedon the combined assessments offinancial-economic-stakeholder-risk impacts.