International Finance Corporation (IFC)is an international organization, established in 1956, tofurther economic growth in its developing member countriesby promoting private sector development. IFC'sprincipal investment products are loans and equityinvestments, with smaller debt securities and guaranteeportfolios. IFC also plays a catalytic role in mobilizingadditional funding from other investors and lenders, eitherthrough co financing or through loan participations,underwritings, and guarantees. In addition to projectfinance, corporate lending and resource mobilization, IFCoffers an array of financial products and advisory servicesto private businesses in the developing world to increasetheir chances of success. It also advises governments on howto create an environment hospitable to the growth of privateenterprise and foreign investment. IFC raises virtually allof the funds for its lending activities through the issuanceof debt obligations in the international capital markets,while maintaining a small borrowing window withInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD). The management discussion and analysis containsforward looking statements which may be identified by suchterms as 'anticipates,' 'believes,''expects,' 'intends,' 'plans'or words of similar meaning. Such statements involve anumber of assumptions and estimates that are based oncurrent expectations, which are subject to risks anduncertainties beyond IFC's control. Consequently,actual future results could differ materially from thosecurrently anticipated.