Reducing the burden of Non-communicablediseases (NCDs) in Jamaica is a national policy. TheGovernment of Jamaica has recognized the importance ofpreventing and controlling NCDs and created the NationalHealth Fund (NHF) to reduce the cost of treating them byproviding free or subsidized medicines to patients with NCDconditions and finance some prevention programs. The WorldBank undertook a study to learn from Jamaica'sexperience in tackling major NCDs and related risk factors,provide policy options for Jamaica to improve the NCDProgram, and share with other Caribbean countries lessonslearned from this experience. The study answered threequestions: (i) whether Jamaica's NHF and its drugsubsidy Program have reduced out of pocket spending on NCDtreatment; (ii) whether access to treatment of NCDs hasimproved in the country; and (iii) what is the economicburden on patients with NCDs and their families.