Rethinking Collaborative Arrangements with Local Partners
Rosenbaum, Kenneth ; Chandrasekharan Behr, Diji ; Larson, Gunnar
Washington, DC: World Bank
RP-ID  :  53033
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】
More forest area is being designated foruse by local communities and indigenous peoples. In agrowing number of countries legislation is being introducedto ensure that local partners share in the benefits offorest operations and participate as active stakeholders inthe sustainable use of forest resources. Private sectorinvestment in the forest sector is increasing as well. Forbusinesses in an expanding range of investment settings,establishing and maintaining positive working relationshipswith local communities is an essential part of gainingaccess to natural resources, local skills and labor.Afforestation and reforestation activities and programs toreduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation andforest degradation (REDD), including sustainable forestmanagement (SFM) and forest restoration, seek to increaseforest carbon sequestration, and their success or failurewill rely in many respects on the effective cooperation offorest dependent people. These developments are givingpartnerships and benefit-sharing arrangements between localand outside partners greater prominence than they havegenerally had in the past. The significance of thesecollaborative arrangements is increasing whether the localpartner is a community, a user or producer association, or agroup of individual landholders, and whether the outsidepartner is a private firm, a government agency, or anongovernmental or civil society organization. Thearrangements vary widely in purpose as well for therespective partners. Local partners may be interested inemployment and income generating opportunities, in thesecurity of their access to forest land, in the protectionof resources that have traditional or other values, or incapitalizing on small business opportunities. Outsidepartners may be interested in gaining and securing access toforest products, in obtaining the cooperation of localcommunities in how forest resources are used, in alleviatingrural poverty, or in managing risks and ensuring theprovision of environmental services.
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