Forest in Kenya is an important sourceof livelihood, environmental services, and economic growth.In November of 2005 the Government of Kenya (GOK) ratified anew Forests Act. The act contains many innovative provisionsto correct previous shortcomings, including a strongemphasis on partnerships, the engagement of localcommunities, and promotion of private investment. Thepurpose of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) isto inform, influence, and strengthen the processes ofimplementing the new Forests Act and inform policydiscussions regarding sustainable use forests resources fornational development. The SEA examined current risksconfronting both woodland and forest environments and thesocial well-being of communities relying on these resources.Evidence gathered through research and extensiveconsultation with stakeholders was used to identify thescope for improving institutional structures and governanceprocesses under the planned forestry reforms, notably thoserelating to the Kenya forest service and the participationof communities and the private sector in forest management.The SEA recommends ways of enhancing the opportunities forenvironmental and social gain that already form part of theoverall goal of the Forests Act.