Growth is good for the poor, but theimpact of growth on poverty reduction depends on both thepace and the pattern of growth. A pattern of growth thatenhances the ability of poor women and men to participatein, contribute to, and benefit from growth should not comeat the expense of a slower pace of growth. Including thepoor in the growth process is also good for the pace ofgrowth. This relationship underscores the criticalimportance of the pattern of growth for poverty reduction.The International Finance Corporation's (IFC) missionis to create opportunities for people to escape poverty andimprove their lives. It pursues this mission by promotinggrowth through support for private sector development.Attention to the type of growth that the institutionsupports is therefore critical for the fulfillment of itsmission. IFC's approach in this respect has evolvedover the years: from support to private sector-led growth ingeneral, to promoting environmentally and sociallysustainable growth, to, more recently, beginning to payexplicit attention to inclusive growth. There have beendifferent perspectives of how IFC's support for privatesector development is helping to tackle poverty. Yet, thereis not enough clarity about what poverty means within theIFC context and how its interventions reach and affect the poor.