The failure of many African universitiesto speak out and confront the HIV/AIDS crisis head-on leadsto the unraveling of hard-won development gains andcrippling prospects for future economic growth. The report,"Challenging the Challenger: Understanding andExpanding the Response of Universities in Africa toHIV/AIDS," based on seven case studies (Benin, Ghana,Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia), seeks tounderstand how the disease is affecting African universitiesand to identify responses and coping mechanisms that mightprofitably be shared with sister institutions in similarcircumstances. The studies show that HIV/AIDS is having aserious impact on the fiscal situation of the universitiesin much the same ways as it does on other institutions. Thedisease increases operating costs, reduces productivity,diverts resources, and threatens sources of income. The casestudies insist that committed leadership among theuniversity's top management is the foremost requirementto combat this crisis.