In 1993, Thailand initiated ademand-side management (DSM) program to help curbelectricity demand growth and promote more energy-efficientequipment and cost-effective energy services within thecountry. Since then, the Electricity Generating Authority ofThailand (EGAT), the national generation and transmissionutility's DSM Office has developed a strong portfolioof DSM measures, including 19 DSM programs targeting a widerange of sub-sectors and end-uses, and substantiallysurpassed its original peak reduction and energyconservation targets. EGAT has created substantial publicawareness of energy conservation and actively promotedprivate sector participation in promoting such services.And, EGAT's DSM Office has been recognizedinternationally for its success in designing DSM programsthat fit within an Asian context as well as its innovationand partnershis with other agencies. While the overallProgram results have been positive, EGAT has had limitedimpacts in certain areas and experienced a number ofimplementation issues, many of which are now being resolved.This report examines the creation of Thailand's DSMprogram, discusses programs and results to date, offersanalyses and lessons learned from the Program, and discussesfuture prospects for DSM programs in Thailand and elsewhere.