There are five sections in this report.The first section analysis growth, poverty reduction, tradeand logistics. The study indicates that a stimulus ineconomic growth tends to reduce poverty. Section twoanalysis global trends in transport and logistics thatdetermine the competitive advantage and growth performanceof trading in global economy. Transport and logistics havebenefited from technological and institutional changes, andhas developed the maritime transport, warehousingfacilities, and communication. The net result has been tofacilitate globalization. Section three analysis trade ledgrowth in East Asia. The sustained growth performance isusually attributed to the region's global integration.Section four: Logistics in East Asia - the single mostimportant impact of globalization in East Asian countrieshas been the integration of local production and supply.Section five - a strategy to stimulate trade-led povertyreduction. This analysis has demonstrated the significanceof the role of trade in accelerating economic growth andreducing poverty. In addition, the trade pattern of theregion is focused in terms of final market destination.