A social and structural review (SSR)identifies the strategic policy priorities that are likelyto yield the highest returns in terms of poverty reductionand development. This SSR identifies those priorities byproviding a systematic evaluation of economic policy andstructure in order to identify a) the main constraints onpoverty reduction and long run development in Egypt and b)the sources of vulnerability, particularly as Egyptconsiders further global integration through entering intoforeign trade agreements. The five priorities for reforminclude: 1) In order to maintain Egypt's robusteconomic performance of the late 1990s, the Government willneed to continue to maintain stability of the macroeconomicenvironment by strengthening economic management which mayhave been pushed off-course by exogenous shocks in thelatter half of the 1990s. 2) Trade liberalization remains asan unfinished and critical area for further reform. Bysharply reducing tariffs and other trade taxes, especiallyon manufactures, Egypt can achieve productivity gains andwage growth. 3) It is important to revisit governmentregulations that increase the cost of doing business inEgypt. 4) Expenditures of the bottom half of populationappear to be fairly compressed. 5) The quality of life ofpopulation is in part determined by public services such asthose that enhance health, education, sanitation, cleanwater, and air quality.