In the first half of 1999, Kyrgyzauthorities agreed with the International DevelopmentAssociation (IDA) that a review of Kyrgyz socialexpenditures, giving particular emphasis to health andeducation expenditures, would be valuable. This reportpresents findings from the resulting review undertakenbetween October 1999 and June 2000. The review team lookednot only at these expenditures (including social protection)themselves, but also at their efficiency and effectivenessas a means for achieving Kyrgyz objectives in the socialpolicy arena. The review team first examined medium-termpriorities for social policy under sharp resourceconstraints, then considered feasible strategies forachieving these priorities, and finally looked at theirimplications for policies, administration, and publicexpenditures. The report is in 2 volumes. Volume 1 providesan overview of the findings on health, education, and socialprotection. Volume 2 offers more detailed critiques ofexpenditures and policies on health and education.