This overview of the public healthsituation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regionfocuses on the health situation in the region; demographicand epidemiological trends; activities already undertakenincluding assistance to improve the health of thepopulation, identification gaps in current efforts, and theimplications for a future regional public health strategy.Significant improvements in health status, morbidity andmortality have been achieved, largely through healthservices delivery, public health programs and socioeconomicdevelopment. Infant mortality rate has declined and lifeexpectancy at birth has increased. Despite significantaccomplishments, immense challenges stand in the way ofachieving optimal health for all. Infectious diseases remainhigh while non-communicable diseases, and injuries increasewith rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles. Inconclusion, it is necessary to develop a national andregional public health infrastructure, that will include: a)training of public health personnel; b) development ofpublic health leadership and the capacity to perform corepublic health functions of assessment; c) policy developmentand assurance; d) provision of the necessary resources andinfrastructure; e) establishing diseases surveillance andinformation systems; f) developing partnerships foraddressing public health issues; and g) integration ofstrategies to address public health challenges of common concern.