The conference meeting was organized bythe Supreme Court of Justice of Guatemala, in partnershipwith the World Bank, where judicial school directors,judges, practitioners, law students, and officials fromdifferent countries participated. The meeting aimed toharness good practices, and knowledge for furtheringjudicial education, based on the premise that the knowledge,and skills of judges, of court staff, and of other justicesector professionals, and users, impact significantly on theperformance of the judicial system. Discussions centeredaround different themes, that included concepts of judicialexcellence, judicial ethics, and the role of human rights,e-learning, and distance education, in-service training andevaluation methodologies, attitudinal change in the courts,and the role of education and strategies to inspire futuregenerations of law students, and professionals. The reportcomprises various facets of judicial education, itschallenges, and opportunities.