Fostering more rapid rural development,particularly raising the productivity and competitiveness,and accelerating the growth of the agricultural and ruralnon-farm sectors, and critical elements to achieving fasteroverall economic growth, and hence, poverty reduction inMaharashtra. This policy note focuses on examining theconstraints to promoting more rapid agricultural growth inMaharashtra. It aims to: 1) review the recent status andperformance of the agricultural sector in the State,focusing on selected key areas such as cotton, sugar, water,and the rural non-farm sector; 2) examine the major policyand regulatory impediments in these sub-sectors that hindertheir contribution to more rapid and sustained agriculturalgrowth and rural poverty alleviation; and 3) propose optionsfor improvement in these areas as well as identify areasrequiring further study. A second volume provides moredetailed discussion on the Government of India Sugar Policy(Annex A), development schemes of the National HorticultureBoard (Annex B), and basic principles for supply chaindevelopment and additional statistical tables.