This is the International FinanceCorporation (IFC) annual report for FY2000, which outlinesits increased gross approvals, led by a record of newinvestments in Sub-Saharan Africa; the realization of itssecond-highest-ever annual net income; and, the significantresurgence in commercial bank lending through itssyndications program. However, during the period IFC alsofelt the push of reformers, and critics, and the effects ofa changing market place. Responsive to changing needs, IFClooks at how to bridge the digital divide which threatensthe developing world; at ways to strengthen domesticfinancial markets; at how to address basic infrastructure;and, at how to improve access to health care and education,as well as how to improve environmental, and socialsustainability. IFC's single largest sectoral focusremains the financial sector, which amounted to forty sixpercent of new approvals, though strategic priorities werefurther refined to align its activities with marketrealities, by building business, and creating jobopportunities. Moreover, it has pioneered corporateenvironmental and social responsibility, by moving theprivate sector to actively promote economic development. IFCactivities during FY2000 are presented, and, through casestudies, shows the range of projects, by region andinvestment type. Finally, IFC's financial reviewdescribes performance, funding management, capital earnings,as well as risk management, and credit risk.