The Report Card is a means by whichcitizens can provide credible and collective feedback topublic agencies about their performance. It brings forthinformation on users' awareness, access, use, andsatisfaction with public services. It is an importantfollow-up to the World Bank's Poverty Assessment forthe Philippines. It complements the expert analyses andfindings in the Poverty Assessment with a"bottom-up" assessment of pro-poor services infive key areas: health care, elementary education, watersupply, housing, and subsidized rice distribution.The ReportCard identifies the key constraints that Filipinos face inassessing public services, their appraisals of the qualityand adequacy of public services, and the treatment theyreeive in their interactions with service providers,especially government officials. It offers severalrecommendations on sector and sub-sector policies,strategies and programs to address constraints and improveservice delivery, especially to the poor and under-servedareas and groups. the Report Card is based on a nationalclient satisfaction survey undertaken by the World Bank incollaboration with the Social Weather Stations (SWS), asurvey research organization in the Philippines that isindependent, non-partisan, and credible.