The Regional Program on EnterpriseDevelopment (RPED) is designed to examine what specificfactors hinder enterprise development in Africa and what canbe done to mitigate them. RPED is a research initiativewhich will collect and analyze a large, varied, and uniqueset of data. RPED focuses on four manufacturing sectors(textile and garment, food, woodworking, and metalworking)in nine countries (Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana,Kenya, Burundi, and Rwanda are treated as one data set.Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are the other countriesinvolved). The principal objectives of RPED's researchprogram are: 1) to develop a more precise understanding ofhow various elements of the African business environmentinfluence private enterprise behavior and performance. 2) Totranslate the research results into recommendations for moreeffective policies and assistance programs for privateenterprise development. 3) To strengthen the analyticcapacity of African institutions. 4) To create thecapability for both donor agencies and African institutionsin the private enterprsie development field to monitortrends and developments in industrial activity. RPED willfocus on regulatory polies, the principal determinants oftransaction costs, business support agents, the factors thatcontribute to or hinder the acquisition of technologicalcapability, and firms' ressponses to infrastructure deficiencies.