Benchmarking the electricitydistribution segment in the Latin American and CaribbeanRegion (LCR) is a means of providing countries and utilitieswith a point of reference regarding their performance. Theobjective of this report is to fill in the knowledge gapsthat exist regarding the status of electricity distributionby benchmarking utility performance at the regional,country, and utility level. This report serves as a standardreference for and defines good and poor electricitydistribution performance in Latin America and the Caribbean.Considering the changes that have shaped the power sectorduring the last decade, this benchmarking report providescountry and utility level direction and a framework ofcomparison for identifying where they stand in relation tothe others, detecting their strengths and weaknesses, andsetting goals for improvement. The purpose of benchmarkingthe power sector is to provide a detailed description of theelectricity distribution segment in the LCR and to identifyand rank the best performers in the region. This report isdesigned to be solely factual, aimed at describingelectricity distribution performance at the regional,country, and utility levels and does not assume, at thisstage, an analytical or explanatory role. Additionally, thisstudy will contribute towards a more consistent benchmarkinganalysis in the electricity distribution segment and servesas a path-breaker for other regional benchmarkinginitiatives. This benchmarking initiative contributesprimarily with the collection and analysis of detailed datafor 26 countries and 250 utilities that represent 88 percentof the electricity connections in the LCR.