The purpose of this report is to assessthe status of past and current energy efficiency initiativesin Lebanon and, in conjunction with key stakeholders,prepare an Energy Efficiency Action Plan, implementation ofthis Action Plan in the near future. The identified EEprograms have been developed based on available data andinformation gathered during our one-week field mission andthe best practices in similar countries with comparablebackgrounds. The savings and investments for each proposedprogram have been evaluated outlining the impacts of theexpected emission reductions and of the expected primaryenergy savings. The major design phases of each program,their implementation, monitoring plans, and evaluation havebeen defined. Program financing sources have beenrecommended and enumerated for possible consideration duringthe development phase. The role of the various stakeholdershas also been determined for each program with generalrecommendations and suggestions for the successfulimplementation of the programs. Actions plans arerecommended, and it is recommended to begin with theshort-term action plan, however the other proposed planscould be started, especially in the case where relatedactions have already been initiated, to ensure theircontinuity and the effective development of the proposed programs.