An extensive review of literature on thedeterminants of adoption and impacts of land managementtechnologies in the Ethiopian highlands was undertaken toguide policy makers and development agencies in craftingprograms and policies that can better and more effectivelyaddress land degradation in Ethiopia. Severalgeneralizations emerge from the review: 1) the profitabilityof land management technologies is a very important factorinfluencing technology adoption. In many cases it is athreshold consideration; 2) land tenure insecurity andlimited transfer rights undermine land managementinvestments; 3) the impacts of household endowments ontechnology adoption are mixed; and 4) the impacts of crediton input use are positive where input use is profitable andnot too risky; in other cases credit is not a bindingconstraint, because farmers ration their use of credit toavoid risk. Further research on the adoption and impacts ofland management practices is needed to build on thisunderstanding of what works, and where. Based on thisreview, as well as the findings from two companion papersand stakeholder workshops, it appears that research indifferent biophysical and socioeconomic domains to assessthe off-site as well as on-site costs and benefits ofalternative land management approaches will be particularlyuseful in supporting efforts to scale up successfulsustainable land management practices in Ethiopia.