The purpose of the Sofia City Strategy(SCS) is to combat poverty and provide the basis forsustainable development of the local economy and the welfareof city residents. SCS is driven by the need to reevaluatethe increased role of Bulgarian local authorities thatresulted from the country's transition from socialismto a market economy. Launching a long-term strategy forSofia will provide the municipality with an opportunity toeffectively implement the goals that it set out to achievein the three to five year period ahead. Sofia's citymanagement initiated work on the strategy in 2000 aftercities alliance committed to support the initiative. Thestrategy draws upon the preferences and expectations of thepopulation that were identified through analyses,consultations and surveys undertaken by internationalorganizations and experts during strategy development. Fivebroad areas have been identified as key components of thestrategy: i) the role of the municipality in the developmentand growth of the city economy; ii) the provision ofinfrastructure, social and administrative services availablefor citizens; iii) the physical planning and spatiallandscape of the city; iv) the financing of the city; and v)the management and governance exercised by the city administration.