This paper contains an initialreconnaissance of the situation in Yunfu, prior to theNanGuang project construction. It provides a brief overviewof the trajectory of economic development in Yunfu from aneconomy that was dominated by primary industries to that bysecondary industries.The development of local transportinfrastructure is reviewed, as is the more detailedstructure of local industries, with special emphasis ondominant industrial sectors and the planned industrialparks.The experience of high speed rail development impactelsewhere was drawn upon to reflect on the possible regionaleconomic outcomes that might emerge following the opening ofthe Nanning-Guangzhou high speed rail.The structure of andthe approach to abefore and aftermonitoring study isconsidered.The remainder of the paper is divided into sixparts. Part two gives a brief overview of the economicdevelopment in Yunfu municipality since its establishment in1994. Part three describes local transport links andinfrastructure. Part four provides a description of theinternal structure of local industries, with specialemphasis on the dominant industrial sectors and the plannedindustrial parks. Part five discusses possible regionaleconomic impacts associated with the forthcoming high-speedrail line and part six summarizes a proposal for the next steps.