This report will be particularly usefulfor policy makers and regulators who prioritize financialinclusion and/or financial literacy, or who are introducingfinancial education strategies according to the high-levelprinciples developed by the organization for economiccooperation and development international network forfinancial education and recently endorsed by the G20leaders. The review is intended to be a reference tool forpolicy makers, practitioners, and researchers interested inconducting a survey on these topics, and for those who needto identify the appropriate combination of methods forpolicy or research objectives. Chapter one examines how toidentify, compare, and contrast existing measurementapproaches in the area of financial literacy and capability,and in the related areas of financial inclusion andfinancial consumer protection. Chapter two discusses therole that surveys can have in informing policy and researchin this area and provides examples of specific surveyobjectives. Chapter three describes and compares the contentof the various instruments on financial capability,financial inclusion, and financial consumer protection, andprovides examples of commonly used questions. Chapter fourdescribes the methods used for survey implementation, andhighlights technical issues that can affect data quality.Finally, chapter five describes the analytical methods thathave been used to present the results and to constructindicators. Detailed information about each study isprovided in standalone summaries in appendix B.